The strange and exciting world of the Internet of Things

For some time I have been passionate about connected devices, home automation, and digging deeper into emerging technologies. If you have read my previous posts, I tend to share what I am passionate about. As I return to blogging I will be writing about the Internet of Things, connected devices, and more on home automation. I plan to write simultaneously about Enterprise IoT and Home Automation.

The focus of the first Enterprise IoT series will be on VMware’s VMware’s Pulse IoT Center 2.0. Much of this builds on the exceptional work of a friend and colleague, Ken Osborne. Please take a look at his work here,

From the home automation front, I have a number of updates, and will demonstrate building out a better home automation experience, and further document my families experience interacting with connected devices.

Join me as I explore the strange and exciting world of connected devices and learn with me about where the future of technology seems to be leading us.

The strange and exciting world of the Internet of Things

Automating my Home Part 4: Ecobee3 Thermostat

Lots of craziness going on recently with VMworld and VMware’s tech summit, I haven’t had the time to get as much done as I would like.  More to come on home networking soon, but today the Ecobee3 Thermostat is officially up and running.

When researching, the Ecobee3 gave me the best options, multi sensors, and most importantly my first apple home kit device.  As we are nearly an all apple family, sticking with the eco system just made sense.  In Oregon, there is an energy rebate, not a ton, but it helps.  I am hoping between the rebate, multiple sensors, and trending we can use this to help cut energy costs to pay for it.  Besides it looks really good in the house.


Install was pretty simple, the website has some good videos I watched, but as it turned out I didn’t even need those.  I have never worked on an HVAC system, but the directions were straight forward.  I just killed power, disconnected the wires from the old thermostat, connected the new one, and gave it power.  The setup took a few min, mostly waiting for it to register with Ecobee, and then about 10 min to calibrate.

For me the biggest thing is it is so simple I don’t need to spend time trying to figure it out, and even my wife and kids, who don’t want to have to struggle with tech find it very straight forward so far.  I am also pretty excited about the trending, hoping to see some savings, but also to understand where we are using energy.  I suspect HVAC is one of the largest consumers of power, so this should help.

Next more networking but for now, I give the Ecobee3 smart thermostat a big thumbs up, very simple and elegant.

Automating my Home Part 4: Ecobee3 Thermostat