VMware Storage Part 3: NAS

Nas is an interesting topic when it comes to VMware. This is often a religious debate, many users of products that are better at file storage than block love to talk about using VMware on NAS. Now there is really nothing wrong with that, NAS is a great medium for VMware storage.

To start with, NAS, Network Attached Storage, is nothing more than allowing multiple client machines to share storage. Likely your PC has a shared drive, probably several, your public or departmental share is on a NAS using the windows SMB, Server Message Block, protocol.

In a VMware environment, we use the NFS, Network File System, a linux based protocol to connect the servers to the storage. Remember with VMware we want to use shared storage for High Availability and load distribution. The advantage to using NFS really comes down to simplicity. When we use NFS storage in VMware what we are doing is just creating a file rather than writing blocks. This was an early attraction when block based storage was not able to keep up with the writes coming from VMware. Since it was writing to an open file, there was no concept of writing and committing data, it was all just writing. This hasn’t changed, but block storage has gotten significantly better, but that is for another post.

The simplicity also comes from the ability to expand simply. If you have the space on the NFS server you can just grow the NFS share, no extents (joining multiple logical volumes together), just grow the file system. Really not much too it, and very simple to manage you also don’t worry about the file system. In a block based system you create a file system based on VMFS, the VMware File System, on NFS, it is it’s own file system, you are just a file living there.

So the plus side is this is pretty simple, and the performance is now about the same from block to file, so what is the downside?

The biggest issue on my side is multipathing. There are ways to get around this, mostly proprietary, and with proper networking you can actually use nic bonding to give you a sense of multiple paths, but this requires some planning outside of the VMware environment, and can be challanging. On that point you are bound by your IP network, remember this doesn’t run over Fiber Channel, so if you go this direction, you better be on a rock solid network.

The other major downside, from my perspective, is VMware typically releases the features first to the block systems and then to NAS. Now again this gap is closing, but it is there. If you are like me, you update your iPhone to the latest code the min it is released and the servers stop crashing. In my lab, I run bleeding edge code, and I am all about the coolest and flashy, so this is important to me.

At the end of the day, NAS is great in a VMware environment. I personally like to have both options available, and would never tell someone they are wrong for going either direction, just make sure you are able to justify your decision.

VMware Storage Part 3: NAS

VMware Storage Part 2: SAN

Continuing on with the theme from last week. Again this is just to get things started, I do intend to dig into some of these areas much deeper, and discuss specific products, but to assume that everyone knows the basics would be in opposition to my desire to make technology, specifically virtualizaiton, something we can all understand and work with.

I was first introduced to the concept of a SAN with the Apple X-Raid in 2004 by a software developer I worked with. We were at a small software startup in Sacramento, CA, and the concept seemed outrageous to me. Shortly after that I ended up moving to a Casino where I was handed a SAN and the VMware ISO images. I quickly learned the value of shared storage.

The concept behind a SAN is that rather than the islands of storage we talked about in part 1, we can logically divide a large pool of storage between multiple servers. This is important in a VMware environment to enable things such as High Availability and Load Balancing between hosts. Since all hosts have access to all shared storage (SAN), a Virtual Machine may reside on any host.

A critical design point when using a SAN in any environment, but especially in VMware, is multipathing. This is simply having more than one connection from the host server to the shared storage. This becomes particularly critical in a VMware environment. Remember we are dealing with consolidation, so I may be moving 5,10, or more workloads to a single VMware host. Not only does this increase risk but also the load carried by the storage connections. This is where your SAN vendor’s controller design can help or hurt you, but that is a topic for another day.

SAN’s come in many flavors, but the connectivity methods are generally iSCSI, Fiber Channel, and Fiber Channel Over Ethernet. Each of these has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. What I have found is generally speaking this is largely dependent on the environment. For smaller customers, iSCSI is often perfectly acceptable, and can provide a familiar medium for the networking team. In larger environments, Fiber Channel is often preferable since it offers a simple and low latency network which is designed to do one thing and one thing only.

One closing thought on storage networking, it is important to consider line speed. With the release of 16G Fiber Channel, and 10GbE becoming more affordable, it is often wise to step up and pay for the fastest storage network you can afford. As Solid State Drives continue to gain market share we are seeing more and more storage networks become saturated. Many storage array vendors are dropping support for slower speeds, 1GbE iSCSI in particular. Always wise to prevent bottlenecks wherever possible even if it does cost a little more up front.

VMware Storage Part 2: SAN

VMware Storage Part 1: Introduction & Local Storage

One of my favorite radio talk hosts talks about the importance of having the “heart of a teacher”. When I started out in IT, I thought I wanted to be in tech support, teach others how to use their computers, and how to make the technology work for them. I have come to realize that while I enjoy helping others, I prefer to talk about concepts, and help them understand storage and virtualization. I am going to spend the next several posts going through some of the VMware storage concepts, in what to many may seem simple terms, but many of the people I talk to do not have a solid understanding, so I think it is always wise to level set, to start from a common point as it were. While there are many blogs out there with some incredibly technical content on this, many well written and helpful, I thought I would give this my own slant in an attempt to help some of the people I interact with and meet new ones. Feedback is appreciated, and I am always open to suggestions for new topics.

VMware in general is all about abstraction. With compute we put the software layer between the physical hardware and the operating system. This enables us to have portable servers, and to consolidate many workloads on to a smaller physical footprint. When we think about this from the storage side of things, it is not so much different. If we think about VMware creating a container to hold many servers, then a datastore, storage presented to VMware to hold Virtual Machines can be considered a container to store the hard drives and configuration files that make up a Virtual Machine. This storage is presented as one or more logical drives, datastores in VMware terms, up to 64TB in size. The reason behind sizing a datastore will be covered later, and is certainly open for discussion, but it is enough to know for now that we create a datastore from logical disk space.

When creating a Virtual Machine, VMware will ask you how much space you want, and which datastore you want to place it on. This will again be covered in a future post about design, but it is important to note, a datastore can contain multiple Virtual Machines, much like a VMware Host, physical machine running VMware, can contain multiple Virtual Machines.

Each VMware Host machine, provided it contains local hard drives, will have a datastore called “Local Datastore” or something similar. This is not a bad thing, it can be useful for Virtual Machines which you do not want to be able to move, but it is limited in that shared storage is required for high availability and resource distribution. With the release of VSAN in vSphere 5.5, as well as many Virtual Storage Appliance, VSA products, this can be used as shared storage as well, but more on that later.

To wrap up, storage is one of the more critical aspects to virtualization success. There are many more features to cover, I will be explaining many of the VMware features as well as where each different HP storage product may make sense as well as some reasons why I personally would choose HP over competitors products. Stay tuned and please let me know if there are other topics I should be covering, or if there is more detail needed.

VMware Storage Part 1: Introduction & Local Storage


Another question from someone I work with.  “Can you explain the meaning of ‘Multi-Tenant’?  Aren’t all virtualized servers and storage ‘Multi-Tenant’?”

The term Multi-Tenant is a little misleading.  Technically, yes virtualized servers are multi-tenant in that there are multiple servers running on a single server.  The term Multi-Tenant in the technology world however typically refers to a system where more than one company is using the same systems.

By way of example, we can look at a cloud hosting provider such as HP’s Cloud System Matrix (CSM).  As a disclaimer, this not an official HP Blog, and I am not an expert on CSM, but I do have a solid understanding of it.  So on CSM, you have multiple options.  The most common and cost effective method is to simply purchase a virtual instance of a server.  Essentially you get a virtual machine.  Your virtual machine is on the same physical machine as several other peoples.  In fact, it might get moved to other servers using vMotion without your knowledge.  The concept is that you are simply renting or leasing a virtual machine, but you don’t care what the physical hardware is.

In the HP StoreServ, formerly 3Par, storage, arena, we have a similar concept of multi-tenancy.  Consider the design of the 3Par array.  Everything within the system is built first for redundancy, then for performance.  It is the only truly tier 1 array that extends from the SMB through the global enterprise using the same architecture.  The system was originally designed for hosting providers, thus everything had to remain functional no matter what.  With this in mind, the system was created to be multi-tenant.  It is literally possible to present the system as multiple virtual SAN’s without the users realizing it.  This is perfect again if you want a granular control of your SAN, but you want to rent or lease it.  A service provider might purchase a large system, and partition it off to many different companies.  Since they all share the SAN, the system in multi-tenant.  The HP StoreServ array is able to give a secure virtual san to each user.

So to wrap up, something which is virtualized but not multi-tenant would be most traditional virtualized systems.  A company virtualizes their infrastructure within their own datacenter, or even at a colo.  Since they are the only company on the system, that would be a single tenant system, or not-multi-tenant.


The future of storage

So in a previous post, VMware Fundamentals Part 3 I talked about VMware and storage, and made a case for a mixed protocol storage environment. While I stand behind what I said, I always think it is interesting to take a deeper look at the industry. Calvin Zito, the HP storage guy, made some very good points in his post, Block of File Based Storage for VMware which got me thinking a bit more. That coupled with the recent product releases from HP have inspired me to talk a little more about this topic.

Calvin points out some compelling points about how block gets the most attention on the development cycle from VMware, and at this point, with the software initiators, and the ease of use, it often makes more sense to simply use a block based protocol.

That being said, in many virtual environments, we often find that the traditional storage array doesn’t fit the bill. We are running a number of host servers, with internal storage that is going to waste. So how do we take advantage of this lost capacity, and how can we lower our costs while adding additional value?

A tough concept for many of us who came up through the ranks of storage administration to swallow is that storage is not king any more. It is certainly important, but gone are the days when I can walk into a company as a storage admin and name my price. Now certainly as a Storage Architect I can demand more, but even so, I am required to know more than just storage. The really tough part though is storage is no longer defined as a monolithic array. We have to start embracing the concept that storage, like everything else must be defined as software. This becomes more and more important when we look at the move toward ITaaS. Nicholas Carr drives this point home in his book, The Big Switch.

So the short answer to the question, what is the future of storage, much like compute, networking, and the rest of what we do, the future of storage is software. Whether it is open source or supported by a company such as HP, this is where we are headed.

The future of storage