Software Defined Storage Replication

In a conversation recently with a colleague, we were discussing storage replication in a VMware environment.  Basically the customer in question had bought a competitors array, brand X, and wanted to see if there was a way to replicate to one of our arrays at a lower price point.

This is a fairly common question coming from customers, more so in the SMB space, but with the increasing popularity of Software Defined Storage, customers want options, they don’t want to be locked into a single vendor solution.  In an openstack environment, high availability is handled at the application level, and I have to say I strongly recommend this as a policy for all new applications, however how do we handle legacy apps in the interim?

In a traditional storage array, we typically do replication at the storage level.  VMware Site Recovery Manager allows us to automate the replication and recovery process integrating with the storage replication, and in smaller environments, can even handle replication at the vSphere host level. Array based replication is generally considered the most effecient, and the most recoverable. This does require similar arrays from the same vendor, with replication licensing. In a virtual environment this looks something like the picture below.


This works well, but can be costly and leads to storage vendor lockin, not a bad thing if you are a storage vendor, but not always the best solution from a consumer perspective. So how do we abstract the replication from the storage? Remember, one of the purposes of virtualization and openstack is to abstract as much as possible from the hardware layer. That is not to mean hardware is not important, quite the contrary, but it does enable us to become more flexible.

So to provide this abstraction there are a couple options. We can always rewrite the application, but that takes time, we can do replication at the file system level or similarly using a 3rd party software to move data, but in order to really abstract the replication from the hardware/software we need to insert something in the middle.

In the conversation I was having at the begining, the goal was to replicate from the production datacenter running brand X storage to a remote location using an HP storage product. To accomplish this, we discussed using vSphere replication, something I will discuss in a future post, we discussed host based replication, but that is not as seamless, and what we settled on is below. Not the most elegant solution, but something that helps us abstract the replication layer. Essentially using the HP StoreVirtual VSA, since it has replication built in, we put that in front of the brand X storage, and then on the other side we can put another VSA on a server with some large hard drives, and voila, replication and DR storage handled.

Storage_Replication_VSA - Edited

Not the most elegant solution, but it is a way to abstract the replication from the storage, and to do so at a reasonable cost. The advantage to this solution is that we have also given ourselves DR storage. Next I will explore vSphere replication, but as always I want to point out, this solution minimized vendor lock in on the hypervisor and storage levels.

Software Defined Storage Replication

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